What is Photoshop?

What is Photoshop? Highlights of Adobe Photoshop

·       Photoshop is a part of Multimedia.

·       Adobe Photoshop is an image editing software. Images, logos can be created using Photoshop. Picture / image editing is done with Photoshop.  Photoshop allows modifying images using painting tools. Adjustments to the images can be done like contrast and color balancing.  It also supports text graphics, water marks, and transparent images.

·       The elements of Photoshop Interface can be divided in four parts:


1.    Menu bar:

Menus are probably the most familiar interface elements to a new Photoshop user. They contain all sorts of options. The menu items allow access different commands to use in Photoshop. For example, from the File menu, you can open and save files 

2.    Toolbox:

This is one of the most important features in Photoshop you can select different tools for editing your images. It contains a bunch of icons that represent the different tools Photoshop offers to alter and create images. 

3.    Option bar:

The options bar, which is located directly under the menus, is a useful tool when working with the different Photoshop tools. 

4.    Panels:

Panels are also important features of the Photoshop interface. All sorts of information are displayed in these panels. 

·       There are two types of color space available in Photoshop which are RGB (Red, Green, Blue) and   CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key).                      

·       Key stands for Black

·       There are 4 types of color modes are available in Photoshop which are:

1.    Bitmap color mode

2.    Grayscale color mode

3.    Indexed color mode

4.    RGB color mode

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